
Jocelin and Knox: SONY and JONNY

Seniors JOCELIN LEHNER and KNOX WHITE star in MANN SHOW 2008's TEENAGE JONNY QUEST IN TOKYO. Jocelin plays the mysterious Kabuki actress Sony, and Knox plays teenage Jonny Quest.


Anonymous said...

Ahahaha Awful! Is this really how tragic MannShow has gone this year?

Dood, Coach White

Get your head out of your ass, and take on a real challege.


CW said...


That's ONE aspect of theatre...there are others, too.

We'll take on the challenge of integrating ALL aspects of theatre.

Including filling every seat for every performance. Come on, people! SEE THIS SHOW! You've never seen anything like it.

Anonymous said...

Quite Frankly, I think its amazing how teenage kids in high school can come up with something a s wonderful as Jonny Quest. If you actually SEE the play, you'd be amazed at how good, Knox, JOcelin, and all the others can do.

Jealous, yes, but amazed.

Take it from us...WE'RE the actors!

Kepp up the good work everyone. You're all doing great!

Coach White, youre awsome.

KWhite said...

From Webster's Dictionary:

Pretension-making usually unjustified or excessive claims (as of value or standing, usually in the compensation of one's own ability)

Synonym: Vanity

Sentence: The snobby "artsy type" pretentiously judged everyone around him to nurse his own obvious insecurities.

And Now a Word From "Say Anything"
-Despite your pseudo-bohemian appearance and vaguely leftist doctrine of beliefs, you know NOTHING about art or sex that you couldn't read in any trendy New York underground fashion magazine...Proto-typical non-conformist. You are a vacuous soldier of the thrift store gestapo. You adhere to a set of standards and tastes that appear to be determined by an unseen panel of hipster judges-BULLSHIT-giving your thumbs up and thumbs down to incoming and outgoing trends and styles of music and art. Go analog baby, you're so post-modern. You're diving face forward into an antiquated past, it's disgusting! It's offensive! Don't stick your nose up at me!

Anonymous said...

I agree, its really tragic.

The Dining Room was all flashy effects and no acting whatsoever!

Dood, Coach White

You should've done the Crucible.

Phillip Calvin said...

Another part of theater is respect, which encompasses professionalism and maturity. Striving for professionalism helps actors to focus, technical people to create and design, and it helps the show run smoothly.

Acting is only one part of theater, and without respect, it's practically worthless. Perhaps you, Anonymous, should consider whether you show respect—when you're acting as well as when you're criticizing.

Anonymous said...

Hey, what's that smell guys? Oh wait, it smells like sour grapes.

Anonymous said...

Yea seriously "Mr. Acting!" I'll see you at your next big production. Hey wait when is that again?

Anonymous said...

hmmm, first poster... insecure much?

Anonymous said...

Nobody wants to see "acting."

"Acting" is the reason people don't come to see plays.

The only people who appreciate "acting" are other "actors."

Maybe next year we can put on an "acting" play. That way, we can sell about 20 tickets, but feel totally smug and exclusive when we're finished.

Yeah! Next year. I promise.

Anonymous said...


good try. you arent being very discrete


Anonymous said...

Coach, you just have to love how some people have the guts to tear things down, but no guts at all when it comes to showing face when they do it! Rarely do they make much sense at all when they whine and whimper after sour grapes.

Stay the course, man.

Anonymous said...

How exactly are you a Coach? I didn't know you coached in any sports.

Anonymous said...

haha- this looks amazing already! Cant wait to see how it turns out!

Drama is a amazing thing to do...so for you my friend who thinks that Coach White takes drama a little too seriously maybe has not experienced the time to be on stage...and experienced that it is soo awesome to be on stage and express yourself or another character......

so for you mr.Anonymous....Tragic..? I think not......

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous"? Perhaps, but only because the honor of Mann Show compels its members not to identify one whose cowardice did not allow him to do so himself.

Members of Jonny Quest, pay no never mind to the babble of a pompous jackass, who when unable to do something great themself, contents themself with casting foolish arrogant drivel from across the internet while they stew miserably in their odorific psuedo-artist piss of vanity.

To you anonymous, i say this: Coach White does not have his head up his ass. but you have something up yours.

Probably your own impotent rage at your state of obnoxious, respectless, apathetic patheticalness.(and that is a word, though "dood" is not.)

And to my ambitious friends of MANN SHOW in TEENAGE JONNY QUEST IN TOKYO:

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
-Teddy Roosevelt

And just so there is no question as to who posts this, this is Justin Seay.

Ross Ovington said...

If you, the disgruntled commenter, have any doubts about this show and the challenges it presents, you can take them up with me personally.

I will be glad to educate you on how this production is, in fact, a "real challenge."

Because you seem to care so much about what we do, (why else would you go out of your way to insult the 30+ people who have given their all to make this happen) I would be very glad to discuss and share my own thoughts in person. Blog commenting hardly seems an appropriate medium for such a conversation.

I would only ask that you give me ample time to remove my head from my ass--some people prefer to converse face to face. I'm sure you understand.

Anonymous said...

Dood is a word. GOOGLE it.

Anonymous said...

Dearest anonymous,
i looked up dood on google...

Dood- best when used in conjuction with boob or poop without the ingrown butt hairs.

*you my friend are a dood. and quite an idiot. might wanna start googling your own words before tellin others too.
love your friend,
jessie jade

ps. im not your friend

Anonymous said...

I think the show was pretty awesome. The only thing is I thought Jonny Quest was a little taller.


Anonymous said...

ahhh! the play was awesome.! I loved the start with Knox's entry! it was sooo co0ll! other then that the scene with the tree with Sony and Jonny was good....

however I fel like that Jonny ( Knox ) was a LITTLE to over dramtic in the end with the slow motion sad dieing part....

other then that..I loved the part with the ninjas in the house. I like the way the characters came in the audience during the Tokyo play thing...

THE BESTT!!! was JAY!!!! I loved Bandit! Sorry But he was GRRREAT!

Anonymous said...


Gabby said...

it hurts me to see the blog go on this way but why not put in my 2 cents, once again.

though we have done the play and totally blew everyone's brains out with its perfectionism, i feel that SOME, more than others, worry about the stupid things that make no sense to me as to why they are put on a QUEST SHOW blog.

like googling words that basically me youre poop without ingrown butt hairs.

To finish it off for the anonymously confused mind, We dont act it, we live it. and if were not there, its dead.

seeing as though YOU are not there, were basically immortaly alive.

"fool, i wonder if you know yourself at all."

Anonymous said...

Jesus, how ridiculous. I think everyone should just join hands and sing together.

Well, unfortunately I can't some to see the play myself, but I hope the remaining performances go smoothly. Good luck guys.

and uh...ya know...bring back the love man. too much tension on this blog, haha.

Anonymous said...

Huh, You people are weird...